Many public places are closed, streets are empty, and so on. As an elder client of the Accor Group, for a few days I have taken the habit to go to places I like to take a coffee —like the Mercure hotel in York Place— to thanks people who continue to go at work and do their job, despite their fear.
Two books have marked my youth: ‘Airport’ and ‘Hotel’, both written by Arthur Hailey. I have satisfied my love for airports in working almost ten years —nine years and a few months, exactly— for an air freight forwarder company at Roissy Airport in France (which became later an affiliate of Burlington Air Express, itself a member of the Pittston Group, but that is a different story).
Still today, I feel sadness because I have never found a way to enter the hotel industry. That is probably why I am so fond of the Accor Group: their quality of service meet my own requirements about well done jobs.
Maybe I can’t help. But it seems important to me to thank people doing their job, to say them they are not alone, their clients think at them — because if I were in their place, it might help me to know I am not working only for the money — to know that what I do is meaningful for the clients.
And before I forget — I have wondered if I was a client or a customer of the Accor group, so I asked Google for it.

So, I am a customer —amongst many other ones— at the Kirkgate Market, there is no shame at it, I am ok with this.
But Accor’s employees are highly specialized professional people, and, do you want to know my opinion?
I am very proud to be a client of the Accor group. :^)